Art is an expression of human creativity. It is any form of expression that has been created by humans, which does not serve a purely utilitarian purpose.
The word art has its roots in the Latin word “ars”, meaning skill or technique. One of the earliest known definitions of art comes from Aristotle's "Poetics", where he defines it as “the imitation of nature”, for this reason, the primary meaning of art was, for centuries, defined as the representation or replication of something beautiful or meaningful.
The philosophy of art is the study and evaluation of what is considered to be artistic or aesthetic objects and practices. It includes all aspects of the arts, such as painting, sculpture, architecture, music, theatre, etc. The etymology originates from the Greek word "techne" meaning skill or craftsmanship.
It is difficult to define art because it has so many different meanings. For example, some people see art as an expression of emotions while others view it as a form of entertainment. It can also be defined as an activity involving human creativity and skill.
What is "art" in your opinion?
